Lodge 140
The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) provides extraordinary care to adults with mental illness. OhioMHAS operates six regional psychiatric hospitals, consisting of over 1,000 staffed beds and an admission rate of over 7,000 patients each year. The Community Behavioral Health System consists of 51 Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health Boards and approximately 600 provider agencies providing prevention and treatment services for mental health, drug and other addiction services.
Mental Health Police provide support for clinical staff in all areas. Officers perform a variety of service functions such as admission of new patients, assist medical or direct care personnel in handling/restraining, transporting aggressive consumers/clients when requested, security duty at special events, responds to emergencies, escorts, protects & assists visitors, assists nursing, checks patients on grounds after curfew. Responsible for patrolling grounds & buildings on foot & in police vehicle, protects lives of consumers/clients, visitors & employees. Checks property for open doors, gates, windows, fires, & other hazards. Enforces laws, rules & regulations. Checks identity of unknown persons on grounds & nature of their business. Investigates complaints, conducts criminal & accident investigations and so much more...
Department of Mental Health Police
Department of Developmental Disabilities Police
Ohio's Developmental Centers (DC) are state-operated ICFs. They provide services to persons with developmental disabilities whose needs cannot be currently met in their own homes. Admission to a center can occur on a voluntary basis, where the individual or his/her guardian agree to a temporary admission to the center as a result of a crises or emergency situation that can best be addressed by the unique services available in a center, or on an involuntary basis, where a court orders the admission to a center based on legal criteria.
Centers also provide technical assistance and training to County Boards of DD, families and providers in order to assist an individual to remain in their own home and avoid admission to a developmental center. DODD Police provide support for clinical staff as needed. Following the discharge of a person from a center into their own home, staff from DODD will provide follow-along services to the individual, county board and provider to ensure that services are being appropriately delivered and to address any situations that may arise as the individual adapts to his/her new home.
Ohio Department of Veterans Services
Ohio Veterans Homes Police are solely responsible for the protection and monitoring of VA hospitals, outpatient clinics (OPC) and community-based outpatient clinics (CBOC). They are required to:
Deter and prevent crime
Maintain order
Investigate crimes
They often work in conjunction with the VA Office of the Inspector General (OIG) for certain cases.
The Ohio Department of Taxation
Criminal Investigations Division
The Department of Taxation's Criminal Investigations Division is comprised of sworn police officers and support staff who enforce the criminal provisions of Ohio tax laws.
The Criminal Investigations Division came into existence in 1971, when it was organized primarily to combat cigarette smuggling and organized efforts to skirt Ohio's tax laws. Since that time, the Division has grown in size and responsibility. The Criminal Investigations Division now enforces many of the taxes administered by the Department, including cigarette and other tobacco products taxes, motor fuel tax, income tax, employer withholding taxes and the sales and use tax.
In 2002, 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014 and again in 2017, the Criminal Investigations Division achieved accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies Inc. (CALEA). In 2008, the Division attained flagship status and was recognized as among the top one-third of accredited agencies in the United States. The most recent award, Accreditation with Excellence, was received in July 2017.
From inspecting convenience stores, conducting sales tax investigations and surveillance of tobacco smugglers - Criminal Investigations agents are protecting Ohio's resources and fairly enforcing Ohio's tax laws.