Lodge 143
Wildlife Officer Lodge (Ohio Division of Wildlife)
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources mission is to ensure a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Specifically, the Division of Wildlife is charged with protecting game and fish and species along with their supporting environments. This will ensure that hunters, trappers, fishermen and other can enjoy and benefit from these resources. The Division of Wildlife is made up of approximately 460 employees spread out over law enforcement, fish and wildlife biologist and information and education specialist.
The Division of Wildlife – Law Enforcement section consists of about 130 commissioned officers. There is one State Wildlife Officer in every Ohio County. The state is divided into five districts and each district is divided into 2-3 work units with commissioned officers filling the various supervisory roles. The primary job of the Wildlife Officer is to enforce hunting and fishing laws, but they also do a great deal of conservation education, research and community outreach; the county Wildlife Officer is the face of the Division of Wildlife. The majority of the Lodge 143 members come from the county officer ranks with every officer being an FOP member.